Cruise ship tourism

At the ITRC, the country's fast growing cruise tourism sector is under investigation in ongoing research projects. 


Cruise Tourism in Northern Iceland

Móttaka skemmtiferðaskipa. ReportAn interview research amongst stakeholders in three communities in Northern Iceland. The research aim is the collection of first-hand knowledge and experiences from those taking part in the receiving and servicing of cruise ships and their passengers. The research aim is also to collect insights into to process of service, planning and policy making in regards to cruise ship tourism. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with local and nationwide representatives from harbours, municipalities, shipping agents, tour operators and local tourism. Questionnaire was set forth to capture the interviewees experiences and viewpoints on i.e. benefits, challenges and opportunities related to the Icelandic cruise traffic, as well as cooperative partners and as whether or not regulations and restrictions are needed in regards to cruise traffic. Thematic analysis was conducted to investigate emergent issues. Final report (in Icelandic) to be published by the end of 2017. 


Are we Poles apart? Cruise tourism in Iceland vs. New Zealand

Are we Poles apart? Research project - screenshotAn interview research conducted in Akureyri, North Iceland and Napier, New Zealand. A comparable questionnaire utilized in face-to-face interviews with local and nationwide stakeholders in two cruise ship destinations in the two hemispheres.

The Icelandic part is partly built on the research on cruise ship tourism in Northern Iceland, described above. 
A research paper introducing the research’s findings under review to be published in 2019.



Passenger survey

Passenger survey at Akureyri port 2017. ©Þórný BarðadóttirExploratory pilot survey amongst cruise ship passengers in Akureyri harbour, conducted late summer 2017. Questionnaire on the passengers’ attitudes, expenditures, reasoning for travel etc. The research’s motive is partly the possibility of comparison between cruise ship tourism vs. land-based tourism in Iceland. Report introducing the results to be published early 2018.



Sustainable awareness of cruise operators

Joint research proposal on sustainable awareness and practices of the cruise sector in the Arctic. The project has received funding for preparatory work on joint grant appication to international competetive research programs. Final project description and submission expected spring 2019.

Project management: Þórný Barðadóttir, researcher at the ITRC [].