ITRC hosted a community meeting on cruise tourism

The ITRC hosted an online community meeting on cruise tourism in Ísafjörður the 4th of October.  At the meeting, main findings from the research project Sustainable Arctic Cruise Communities: from practice to governance was presented. See more about the project here.

Guðrún Þóra Gunnarsdóttir, director of ITRC, Hin Hoarau Heemstra, Associate professor at Nord University and project leader of the project, and Ása Marta Sveinsdóttir, researcher at ITRC, presented the main results of the project and Ulrika Persson-Fischier, Lecturer at Uppsala University, led discussions at the end of the meeting.

An ITRC report has been published and a case report covering findings from Ísafjörður. Final project report covering all five research areas is expected in spring 2024. 

Follow the research on Facebook and find out more on the project website.

Here is the agenda of the meeting:
