Journal of Arctic Tourism - Call for papers

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Dear fellow tourism scholars, 

We would like to draw your attention to a new peer reviewed tourism research journal focused on the Arctic and entitled Journal of Arctic Tourism (ArcTour), published by the Icelandic Tourism Research Centre (ITRC)  

The journal is a forum for interdisciplinary discussions on tourism in the Arctic, a topic of vital importance not least as tourism activities penetrate ever deeper into the Arctic realm, claiming spaces and lifeworlds in the process. Contributions from all scholarly disciplines are encouraged and welcomed as tourism needs to be understood from multiple perspectives. 

The journal also welcomes other materials such as research notes, conference announcements and reports, book reviews, interviews, obituaries etc. concerning tourism research in the Arctic. 

ArcTour is an open access journal published exclusively online free of charge. The journal is open for submission all year round. Papers are accepted both in English and Icelandic.  

The ArcTour editorial board looks forward to receiving your submissions!