Research groups and networks
Current Research Groups and Networks
Rural Drive Tourism Research Network
The Rural Drive Tourism Research Network (RDTRN) is a network of researchers directing their research focus on drive tourism, rural tourism and tourism routes as well as their niches.
Contact persons: Þórný Barðadóttir [] and Eyrún Jenný Bjarnadóttir [].
RethinkBlue: a research network on the blue economy
The ITRC is part of the research network Rethinking the blue economy. The aim of this network is to assess the impacts and opportunities created by the blue economy, with a focus on sustainability.
TourNord: Nordic network aimed at improving tourism education
The aim of the network is to increase Nordic cooperation on sustainable development in tourism and enhance Nordic tourism education so that students will be ready to face future challenges in the field of tourism.
Contact person: Christian Dragin-Jensen [].
Research group on social impacts of tourism
The aim of the group is to promote knowledge and understanding of the social impact of tourism..
Contact person: Eyrún Jenný Bjarnadóttir [].
Thematic Network on Northern and Arctic Island Studies Research
The main goal of the network is to explore how islands can be helped to develop resilient, dynamic, and sustainable communities.
Contact person: Andrew Jennings [].
Tourism Entrepreneurship and Family Firms (Touref)
Research group on entrepreneurship and family business in the tourism industry.
Contact person: Guðrún Þóra Gunnarsdóttir [] director at the ITRC is the groups secretary.
International Polar Tourism Research Network
The ITRC is an active member of the International Polar Tourism Research Network (IPTRN). Membership in the network includes university researchers, consultants, tourism operators, government organizations, community members, and graduate students dedicated to analysing tourism in Arctic and Antarctic settings.
The Icelandic Arctic Cooperation Network
The ITRC is a funding partner of the Icelandic Arctic Cooperation Network (IACN). The aim of the IACN is to facilitate cooperation amongst Icelandic public and private organizations, institutions, businesses and bodies involved in Arctic issues, such as in research, education, innovation and monitoring.
Previous Research Groups and Networks
Tourism workforce - working group (2018-2021)
The ITRC´s Employment Working Group aims to advance and share practice-relevant knowledge on tourism employment as challenges surrounding tourism employment and the place of tourism workers remains relatively poorly researched.
Contact person: Íris Hrund Halldórsdóttir, researcher at ITRC [].
Nordic Cruise Research Network (2016-2023)
The Nordic Cruise Research Network (NCRN) is a network for scholars who direct their research on cruise traffic and cruise tourism in the North.
Contact person: Þórný Barðadóttir [] researcher at the ITRC.