Programme at the ITRC Autumn 2014

The Programme at the ITRC for autumn 2014 is quite eventful as in previous years.
On October 30th the ITRC will host the fourth annual Micro Conference. The theme is on environmental issues and how nature responds to the increasing impact of tourism. The speakers of the conference will have the opportunity to present their knowledge and opinions in five minutes followed by Q&A. Tourism stakeholders and the media are encouraged to participate in the Micro Conference.

The event will take place in Askja, the natural science building of the University of Iceland, room 132.

The Social Science Conference of the University of Iceland October 31st
In the recent years the ITRC staff have presented their research projects at the annual Social Science Conference at the University of Iceland and this year is no exception. At the 15th annual Social Science Conference Edward H. Huijbens the director of the ITRC and researcher Cristi Frent will be presenting. 
Edward’s presentation will be focusing on “Tourism in the Anthropocene” where he will present how tourism can be conceived of as a geological power. Edward will be presenting in Icelandic.
Cristi’s presentation is a critical analysis of inbound tourism statistics in Iceland. A detailed methodological presentation is given together with an illustration of what the figures really show us and/or they might be tell us if all the limitations are considered. Moreover, some recommendations are proposed by the author in order to improve the existing situation in compiling inbound tourism statistics in Iceland.

ITRC Research Seminar November 6th-7th
On November 6th-7th the fourth Research Seminar of the ITRC will take place. The purpose of the Research Seminar is to give the researchers the opportunity to present their projects and get feedback. Project presentations will be given by:

- Guðrún Þóra Gunnarsdóttir who works on the project “Tourism and the 
periphery – impacts and consequences for the period 2012-2014”
- Gyða Þórhallsdóttir who is working on revisiting research on carrying capacity in selected nature-based tourism sites in Iceland, done over a decade ago.
- Cristi Frent will present his research in which he is estimating the economic contribution of tourism in Iceland using satellite accounts.
- Johannes Theodorus Welling will be presenting his research project about sustainable development of tourism in the area of the Vatnajökull National Park
- Lilja Berglind Rögnvaldsdóttir who works on assessing the economic impact of tourism in rural settings for the period 2012-2014