Visiting professor at the ITRC

Last week, the ITRC was visited by Dr. Zsuzsanna Kövi, from Karoli Gaspar University in Hungary. In her visit, Dr. Kövi met with the ITRC‘s researchers, as well as professors, lecturers and cooperational parties of the ITRC.
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Fulbright Scholar at the ITRC

Nathan Reigner, PhD is a 2019 Fulbright Scholar hosted by the ITRC and the University of Akureyri.
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Call for chapters on Tourism Employment in Nordic Countries

Open call for chapters on Tourism Employment in Nordic Countries
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New research project on the destination North Iceland

The ITRC and the Tourism Department of Hólar University College recently signed a contract with Visit North Iceland regarding a research project on the destination North Iceland.
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Tourism employment discussed at a conference in Norway

A great deal of interest in cooperation on research on labour issues in tourism amongst Nordic sholars.
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A good visit from the University of Plymouth

ITRC and the Geography and Tourism department of University of Iceland are hosting a workshop tomorrow (05.09) on tourism workforce in Iceland in connection with the arrival of Dr. Andreas Walmsley, University in Plymouth.
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RMF hosts researcher from Australia

Dr Georgette Leah Burns from Griffith University in Australia is currently being hosted by the Icelandic Tourism Research Centre at the University of Akureyri.
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Research on Landsmót - The National Icelandic Horse Competition

Representatives of Landsmót, Hólar University and the Icelandic Tourist Research Centre today signed an agreement for a study on Landsmót 2018 as a comprehensive event.
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ITRC seeks interviewers

The ITRC seeks interviewers to conduct survey among tourists in specific areas of Iceland this summer
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Let’s enjoy going slow - Slow Adventure

The Icelandic Tourism Research Centre has since March 2015 participated in a project developing slow adventure tourism products. The SAINT project - Slow Adventure in Northern Territories. The slow movements’ ideas have been incorporated into tourism and ways in which places can be experienced without taxing their environment.
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