Residents' attitudes of tourism in Iceland: A national study 2023

A nation-wide study of residents' attitudes towards tourism and tourists in Iceland. The aim of the survey is to assess the attitudes of Icelanders to tourism and tourists at a specific time, both nationally and by individual regions. In addition, evidence was sought as to whether Icelanders feel pressure from tourism in their community.

Similar surveys were conducted in 2014, 2017 and 2019 and in between in several communities. Short version of the survey was carried out 2021-2022. 

The study is carried out for the Icelandic Tourist Board.


The results were published in summary reports for each region and in a comprehensive report with a detailed analysis of the data as well as comparisons with previous surveys.

In September 2024, the Icelandic Tourist Board and ITRC hosted a conference on Icelanders' attitudes towards tourists and tourism, where the results were presented. More details about the conference and a recording of the event can be found on ITB's website.


Reports in Icelandic: 

Viðhorf Íslendinga til ferðamanna og ferðaþjónustu - heildarskýrsla

Viðhorf íbúa á Austurlandi til ferðamanna og ferðaþjónustu 2023

Viðhorf íbúa á höfuðborgarsvæðinu til ferðamanna og ferðaþjónustu 2023

Viðhorf íbúa á Norðurlandi til ferðamanna og ferðaþjónustu 2023

Viðhorf íbúa á Suðurlandi til ferðamanna og ferðaþjónustu 2023

Viðhorf íbúa á Suðurnesjum til ferðamanna og ferðaþjónustu 2023

Viðhorf íbúa á Vestfjörðum til ferðamanna og ferðaþjónustu 2023

Viðhorf íbúa á Vesturlandi til ferðamanna og ferðaþjónustu 2023


Residents' attitudes towards cruise ships and passengers

In autumn 2023, an additional short survey was conducted on residents' attitudes towards cruise ships and passengers in Akureyri, Ísafjörður and Reykjavík. The survey aimed at gaining insight into residents' attitudes towards cruise ships and their passengers at the three largest cruise ship ports in Iceland and whether there are differences in attitudes of residents between the port communities.

Survey results were summarised in this report (in Icelandic)